Simply add the item to your shopping cart and complete checkout.
Watch for an email regarding your order
Follow the instructions on sending in your photos and birthday information
Receive your order via email as a PDF and/or JPG
You can print your file on your own at home or using a local print shop such as Walgreens Photo, FedEx, Staples, Office Max, Wal-Mart, Kinkos, Costco or use online service: Vista Print, Shutterfly, Snapfish.
★ Nothing will be shipped by mail. *DIGITAL FILE ONLY* Digital file does not include frame or background.
★ Every printer and monitor display color differently. Some printers will print darker than others. Please work with your printing company.
★ By purchasing this product you agree to our policies and terms of use.
★ This product is for personal use only and cannot be used commercially or be resold/redistributed.
90th Birthday Chalkboard Sign